Revista multidisciplinar de las Ciencias del Deporte en-US (Editorial Staff Rimcafd) (Usman Tariq) Tue, 25 Jun 2024 23:28:59 +0000 OJS 60 IMPACT OF HIGH-INTENSITY INTERVAL TRAINING ON CARDIAC HEALTH IN MIDDLE-AGED ADULTS The purpose of the study is to ascertain how high-intensity exercise affects heart health. The study's foundation was an investigation of middle-aged persons' main data. These data were gathered using specific questions on high intensity interval training. Studies on the effects of high-intensity interval training (HIIT) on older adults are necessary since exercise is a potent inducer of mitochondrial biogenesis. Examined and summarized using smart PLS software, the study measures the effect of HIIT on mitochondria and various cardio-metabolic health outcomes in older adults, both in good health and with co-occurring conditions. The results produced include descriptive statistics, correlation coefficients, and a smart PLS algorithm model between them. Electronic databases were searched for pertinent studies using variants of keywords related to the cardiac health, the HIIT, mitochondria, cell organelles, and cardio-metabolic health outcomes. This review contains twenty-one papers that satisfied the inclusion criteria. HIIT is an original treatment approach that helps maintain mitochondrial integrity as people age and is a good, safe, and effective substitute for exercise for older persons who are well or sick. Overall, the result found a direct and significant impact of high-intensity training on cardiac health in middle-aged adults Alex Smith Copyright (c) 2024 Tue, 25 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 A NEW MODE OF TRAINING SPORTS BASKETBALL PROFESSIONALS BASED ON THE IMPACT OF ECOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENT With the rapid development of modern basketball in the process of high popularity and professional development, fierce confrontation and high-level competition make people pay special attention to the selection and cultivation of outstanding talents, among which the quality and level of youth training will play a key role in the future competition. Good ecological environment of basketball class provides basic conditions for teachers and students to carry out basketball teaching activities, and promotes the improvement of students' basketball technical level. By using data mining (DM) technology, this paper extracts implicit and useful knowledge from sports talent data, explores the development and management rules of college basketball talent training, and then explores a new mode of sports basketball professional talent training under the influence of ecological environment. This will enable the educational ecology of basketball teaching to be used and effectively promoted, and achieve sustainable development. The results show that the accuracy of sports talent information mining algorithm in this paper is improved by 23.85% compared with traditional methods. Universities should change the traditional teaching mode of basketball professionals, and cultivate a number of basketball professionals who meet the needs of the society through the structure of strategic education and the countermeasures of comprehensive quality and ability training. Yuan Xuexiang Copyright (c) 2024 Tue, 25 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 ATHLETE MUSCULOSKELETAL INJURY RECOGNITION BASED ON TRANSFER LEARNING MRI SCANNING Currently, the prevalence of musculoskeletal injuries in high-level competitive athletes is high, and the injuries mainly appear in the neck and lower back. Long training years, looking down during training, and engaging in real-time combat sports are the main risk factors for the occurrence of neck disorders, and therefore, a scientific method is needed to identify signs of musculoskeletal injuries in athletes' MRI scans for early prevention and early intervention. Therefore, in this paper, a network model based on the lightweight network MobilenetV2 is proposed based on the transfer learning method, which ensures high classification accuracy while completing the recognition task with less number of parameters and computation. To address the problem that deep learning models require a large amount of data for training and patient images are difficult to obtain, this paper proposes the RS algorithm, which masks the local features of the 2DMRI images, augments the dataset, and combines it with the two proposed deep migratory learning classification models, TLV2 and TLV2C, in which TLV2 is the MobileNetV2 that fixes the shallow layer and initializes the deep layer after training on the Image Net dataset. network, initialize the deep network and re-train it under MRI dataset. TLV2C redesigns the classifier on the basis of TLV2. The experimental results show that the algorithm proposed in this paper solves the problem of insufficient MRI data, and at the same time is able to identify the signs of musculoskeletal injuries in MRI scans of athletes Chenglong Shi Copyright (c) 2024 Tue, 25 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 NEUROBIOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF REGULAR PHYSICAL ACTIVITY ON COGNITIVE FUNCTION IN ELDERLY POPULATIONS The study explores the effect of neurobiological research on regular physical activity research based on primary data analysis. These data were collected through different questions related to physical activity and cognitive function. The elderly person is considered a research sample for measuring the study using SPSS software, and the run result included descriptive statistics, model summary, correlation coefficient, and linear regression analysis between neurobiological and cognitive function. Physical activity helps older people to improve their cognitive functions as the release of different growth factors, which include IGF-1, VEGF and BDNF, increases, and these factors pass towards the brain. The cascade of growth factors as a result of physical activity promotes health benefits to brain function. It was demonstrated that while having physical activity, the growth factor BDNF, also secreted from the brain cells and muscle contraction during exercise, promotes the release of myokines, irisin and cathepsin B, which increase the production of growth factors in the hippocampus area of the brain. This improves the cognitive abilities of elderly persons. Overall, the research found a significant neurobiological effect of regular physical activity Morgan Lee Copyright (c) 2024 Revista multidisciplinar de las Ciencias del Deporte Mon, 03 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 DESIGN OF SPORTS TRAINING REAL-TIME DATA ANALYSIS SYSTEM BASED ON RECONFIGURABLE DATA MINING TECHNOLOGY The teaching materials generated by the promotion of education informatization are mostly idle and neglected, and the situation that education is decided entirely by experience is out of step with the new educational environment. In China, university sports are mainly conducted through physical education (PE) classes and amateur training, which are basically in a disorganized state. Due to the highly open nature of the modern sports system, changes in the way decisions are made in this information-based society have had a profound impact on the decision-making process in the field of sports. However, current school data processing is still at a rudimentary stage of data backup, querying and simple statistics, and does not provide an effective means to help teachers make decisions about school processes. Data mining (DM) is an in-depth approach to data analysis by mining useful information from large amounts of data, and this technique is now being used in an increasing number of fields. In this paper, we present the design of a real-time data analysis system for sports training based on DM technology, and use the corresponding mining tools of DM technology to discover relevant patterns or laws hidden in the data. Therefore, using the real-time data analysis system for sports training based on DM technology, useful information and patterns for improving examination performance can be obtained, which can improve targeted teaching methods and help students overcome learning difficulties, providing rational teaching. Synchronizing courses, establishing preparation, effectively guiding students in course selection, and improving course quality and educational effectiveness. Xiao Ning Wang, Guo Ming Dong Copyright (c) 2024 Tue, 25 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 RESEARCH ON SPORTS DEVELOPMENT FROM THE PERSPECTIVE OF ECOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENT It holds that the ecological world is an organic whole with internal relations, and that man, nature and society are a dynamic and harmonious unity, and advocates the establishment of a new relationship between man, nature and society. The construction of ecological sports park can not only meet the public's rigid demand for fitness places, promote the orderly progress of national fitness, but also promote the development of ecological sports. Therefore, this paper makes an empirical analysis on the ecosystem efficiency of leisure sports industry by measuring the green total factor productivity. In this paper, the coupling coordination degree model is used to measure the coordination level of sports elements subsystem and ecological environment subsystem. The results show that: from the analysis of coupling trend, the coupling coordination between sports and ecological environment elements in the leisure sports industry in the eastern, central and western regions of China is generally on the rise from 2010 to 2021. The simulation results of the system are consistent with the historical results. The relative error of the simulation results of the main factors of the system is basically controlled within 10%, and the average error is less than 5%. It shows that the optimization strategies of sports development should include constructing modern leisure sports industry system and protecting natural resources. Strengthen the overall coordination of industries and promote the rational allocation of resources Yan Li, Zhihai Lu Copyright (c) 2024 Revista multidisciplinar de las Ciencias del Deporte Mon, 03 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 COMPARATIVE STUDY OF SPORTS-RELATED INJURY PREVENTION STRATEGIES ACROSS DIFFERENT DISCIPLINES The goal of the research study is to compare various approaches of preventing sports-related injuries. Techniques for preventing injuries can be tailored to a specific activity or injury and often focus on modifiable risk factors such equipment, policy, and physical fitness. Exercise training include learning proper exercise techniques, such as recognizing the range of motion restrictions in each joint and avoiding joint postures that might endanger the anatomical components of the joint. Smart PLS software was utilized in the study, which relied on primary data analysis to measure the data. The outcomes included algorithm model, correlation coefficient, and descriptive statistics. The exercise related to forty which includes strength, the proprioceptive, neuromuscular training also that all essential for enhance the athletic performance and preventing injuries. The main objective of research is demonstrating comprehensive review related to ascertain quantity of systematic literature and meta-analysis which examined the influence of injury of sports prevention program on musculoskeletal injuries. The Research found a direct and significant link between sport-related prevention strategies across different disciplines. We predicted that the majority of papers would deal with sports injury prevention generally rather than preventative tactics for particular sports and concentrate on avoiding common sports-related knee injuries Lee Eunbin Copyright (c) 2024 Revista multidisciplinar de las Ciencias del Deporte Mon, 03 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 CONSTRUCTING A BASIC TRAINING SYSTEM FOR FOOTBALL IN UNIVERSITIES BASED ON OBJECT DETECTION AND TRACKING ALGORITHMS Football education plays a significant role in university education, enriching campus life and promoting holistic student development. However, university football training in China faces challenges due to limitations in popularity, training resources, and environmental conditions. This study addresses issues of decreased detection accuracy caused by occlusion, uneven lighting, and small object size in traditional object detection systems by improving the YOLOv5 network structure. The original CSPDarkNet53 backbone was streamlined to a Mobile Net structure with depth wise separable convolutions, reducing model parameters and improving detection speed. Attention mechanisms were integrated into the YOLOv5 network to enhance target feature extraction and mitigate background interference, addressing occlusion and complex backgrounds. Additionally, the Unscented Kalman Filter was introduced into Deep SORT, replacing IoU with DIoU and employing a cascade matching method, significantly reducing ID switching in target tracking tasks. Experimental results on public datasets demonstrate that the proposed model exhibits superior detection performance, making it suitable for university football training scenarios. This study also highlights the potential of artificial intelligence, particularly object detection technology, to advance the efficiency and effectiveness of football training, contributing to the comprehensive development of student-athletes Guangqing Chen, Shaoyong Liu Copyright (c) 2024 Revista multidisciplinar de las Ciencias del Deporte Mon, 03 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 SCREENING AND PREVENTION OF EARLY MENTAL ILLNESS IN ATHLETES BASED ON BIOMEDICAL DATA ANALYSIS AND PATTERN RECOGNITION TECHNIQUES In recent years, the mental health problems of athletes have become more and more serious, and due to the complexity and invisibility of mental illnesses, it is difficult to detect and intervene in the early stage of mental illnesses due to a number of reasons. With the explosion of biomedical data and the rapid development of pattern recognition technology, the problem of recognizing mental illnesses can be solved by using artificial intelligence related technology. This paper proposes a mental illness recognition model based on Roberta Text CNN. Based on Roberta Text CNN model, a text classification model is built for two types of labels, namely, mental illness and suicidal tendency, and a comparison experiment is carried out with several mainstream models. The experimental results show that the proposed method achieves competitive results. In addition, this paper also introduces the EEG signals to be organized into dimensionally consistent matrices using Mel's inverted spectral coefficients for scale change, and then inputs them into the convolutional neural network as image features for further extraction of high-dimensional features and serial fusion of EEG features and then inputs them into the long and short-term memory network, and the application of the pattern recognition technology provides a two-branch mental illness recognition model, which further enhances the capability of screening and preventing early mental illnesses in athletes. The application of pattern recognition technology provides a two branch mental illness identification model, which further enhances the ability of screening and prevention of early mental illness in athletes Baoqiang Li, Gong Zhang, Yi Niu , Zhongju Liu Copyright (c) 2024 Revista multidisciplinar de las Ciencias del Deporte Mon, 03 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 ROLE OF PHYSICAL ACTIVITY IN THE MANAGEMENT AND PREVENTION OF TYPE 2 DIABETES The research study aims to determine the role of physical activity related to management and prevention. Physical activity plays an important role in reducing and limiting the impact of T2D on the body as physical activity (PA) helps uptake glucose into skeletal muscles through an insulin-independent activity. The research based on primary data analysis to determine the result used smart PLS software and described the correlation analysis as descriptive statistical analysis and smart PLS Algorithm model between them. Normally, blood glucose levels in the body are balanced through regulatory hormones, which increase glucose development and free fatty acid mobilization, and the resistance of insulin or T2D might impair this. Research studies have confirmed that physical activity (PA) improves insulin resistance, hepatic and systematic functions, and the reduction of blood glucose levels, which is linked with glucose intensity and duration in the body. The results last from 7 to 72 hours. Moreover, following the PA regularly improves the functions of β-cells, insulin resistance, gut microbiota and micro-vascular functions. These factors lead to a reduction of diabetes effects and improve patients' health. According to the overall research, it's found a direct link between the management and prevention of type 2 diabetes Aran Wong Copyright (c) 2024 Revista multidisciplinar de las Ciencias del Deporte Mon, 03 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 SIMULATION OF VOLLEYBALL TEACHING AND TRAINING EFFECT ASSESSMENT MODEL BASED ON SUPPORT VECTOR MACHINE MODEL The traditional assessment method of volleyball teaching and training effect can't adapt to the informationization and modernization of modern education. On this basis, a new assessment method is put forward, that is, using the SVM model. This method makes full use of the high efficiency of small sample learning of SVM, achieves excellent learning effect, reduces the divergence error and subjective factors in traditional assessment methods, and is more in line with the macro-oriented assessment conclusion. The research results can be combined with information entropy, fuzzy mathematics and other research methods to further enhance the accuracy of data fitting. This method has certain reference significance for improving teachers' teaching level and promoting the improvement of instructional quality. Starting from deepening the effect of volleyball teaching and training, and combining with the characteristics of volleyball events, this paper evaluates the significance, function and methods of volleyball teaching and training. It is pointed out that the assessment of volleyball teaching and training effect is very important for the management of college volleyball teaching and the control of volleyball instructional process. Finally, it is analyzed that the prediction accuracy of DBT-SVM algorithm is higher than that of SVM and multi-class classification algorithm (BT-SVM) algorithm. The accuracy of SVM is 93~95, that of BT-SVM is 95~97, and that of DBT-SVM is 97~98, with the highest accuracy of 98.33. The test time of this method is also the shortest, with an average of 6~7ms; The training effect of volleyball is different in different fields. The DBT-SVM algorithm proposed in this paper is feasible to evaluate the training effect of volleyball teaching Lei Xu Copyright (c) 2024 Revista multidisciplinar de las Ciencias del Deporte Mon, 03 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 AN EMPIRICAL ANALYSIS OF THE EFFECT OF PHYSICAL EXERCISE ON THE MENTAL HEALTH OF ADOLESCENTS AND ITS MEDIATING MECHANISM As we all know, the rich and splendid world culture contains a series of cultures of "life lies in sports". The thinker Voltaire once put forward the world-famous sports philosophy of "life in sports". Without a healthy body, nothing will go smoothly and successfully. Adolescents are the hope and future of the country, so it is necessary to cultivate the correct belief in physical health and develop good habits of physical exercise. Physical exercise has a positive intervention effect on improving the mental health of adolescents, but there has been debate on the effect of physical exercise time on mental health. This paper specifically uses the multi-layer linear model analysis method to analyze the impact of physical exercise on the mental health of adolescents, and uses the KHB mediation effect model to test the existing mediation mechanism with the construction of the structural equation. The experimental results show that the direct efficiency of adolescents' mental health level is 0.009, the indirect effect is 0.034, and the contribution rate of the indirect effect is 89%. Compared with other models, it shows that the model has a certain theoretical level and use value Lu Ying Jie, Ma Hong Tao, Leng Chao Li Copyright (c) 2024 Revista multidisciplinar de las Ciencias del Deporte Tue, 25 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 BIOMECHANICAL ANALYSIS OF MOVEMENT IN HIGH IMPACT SPORTS AND ITS IMPLICATIONS FOR INJURY PREVENTION <p>Sports mechanics is a detailed evaluation of sport motions that helps to decrease the risk of Injury and improve athletic performance. Sport and exercise biomechanics is the scientific study of human movement mechanics. It refers to the detailed analysis and evaluation of how individuals move when engaging in sports. Research-based on primary data analysis to determine the study used SPSS software and generated results including ANOVA test, pair sample test, etc. Mechanics is a branch of physics that studies motion and the forces that cause it. Sport biomechanics is the science that explains how and why the human body moves in the manner it functions. This phrase frequently refers to an athlete's interaction, equipment, and surroundings in sports and exercise. Biomechanics has two traditional subfields: kinematics and kinetics. Kinematics is a branch of mechanics that studies the geometry of object motion, such as acceleration, velocity, and displacement but does not consider the forces that cause the motion. Kinetics is the study of the relationships between a body's force system and the changes in motion that arise from it. In light of this, we must include skeletal, muscular, and neurological components while addressing biomechanics. Sports injuries are preventable; however, many athletes continue to suffer from them. Injuries can prohibit athletes from playing to their full potential, and in certain situations, they may be recommended not to participate. Overall, the results found that movement in high-impact sports shows negative and significant link with injury prevention. This can adversely affect the physical and psychological well-being of the athlete and their team.</p> Santiago Silva-García Copyright (c) 2024 Tue, 09 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0000 THE EFFECT OF TAI CHI FAN ON AUTISTIC CHILDREN AND CHANGES IN THEIR INTESTINAL MICROECOLOGY <p><strong>Background:</strong> The incidence of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is still on the rise worldwide. Tai Chi fan is considered a non-pharmacological treatment with potential benefits for the treatment of ASD. However, there is currently insufficient evidence to support this claim. <strong>Objective: </strong>This study aims to determine the efficacy and safety of Tai Chi fan in improving ASD, and explore its possible impact on intestinal microecology. <strong>Methods: </strong>Based on a Randomized Controlled Trial (RCT) design and a gut microecology analysis program, this study recruited 40 children with ASD and randomly assigned them to either a Tai Chi fan group or a control group. The intervention consisted of eight weeks of Tai Chi fan exercise and rehabilitation as standard treatment, followed by a two-week follow-up. The primary outcome was autism severity secondary outcome was the assessment of autism and its related symptoms using the Childhood Autism Rating Scale (CARS), Social Responsiveness Scale (SRS), and Autism Behavior Checklist (ABC). All above scales with higher scores indicating a greater degree of autism. The Test of Gross Motor Development, Third Edition (TGMD-3) was used to evaluate gross motor development, wit<u>h</u> higher scores indicating better gross motor development. The study also collected 16s rDNA intestinal microecology samples to explore the association between the structure and function of gut microecology and the effect of Tai Chi fan exercise. Overall, the study aims to fully leverage the clinical and intestinal microecology data to assess the clinical effectiveness of Tai Chi fan exercise on autism spectrum disease. <strong>Discussion:</strong> We believe that the results of this study will enhance our comprehension of how Tai Chi fan exercise influences the clinical symptomatic manifestations linked with ASD and changes in intestinal micromorphology. These insights could potentially fortify the clinical evidence supporting the use of Tai Chi fan exercise in treating patients with ASD.</p> Yifan Wu, Yu Zhang, Lu Ding, Yu Dong, Bingxu Jin, Yuzhi Rong, Zhen Chen, Zhaowei Li, LimingLu Copyright (c) 2024 Revista multidisciplinar de las Ciencias del Deporte Sat, 29 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 ENHANCING RECOVERY IN ATHLETES WITH DIABETIC FOOT ULCERS THROUGH VITAMIN D SUPPLEMENTATION: A META-ANALYSIS OF RANDOMIZED CONTROLLED TRIALS <p><strong>Objective </strong>To systematically evaluate the potential impact of vitamin D supplementation on clinical parameters related to patients with diabetic foot ulcers (DFU). <strong>Methods</strong> The medical literature databases Embase, PubMed, Cochrane Library, Scopus, Wanfang, CNKI, and VIP were searched using computer technology.The deadline is from the establishment of the database until January 2024. Randomized controlled trials (RCT) were screened for vitamin D supplementation in the treatment of DFU patients, and the required clinical indicators before and after medication were extracted. Including: diabetes ulcer wound area (cm2), wound depth (cm), wound score (points); glucose metabolism indicators: fasting blood sugar (FBS), 2h postprandial blood sugar (2h PG), glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c), fasting insulin level (FINS), insulin resistance index (HOMA-IR); lipid metabolism indicators: cholesterol (TC), triglycerides (TG), low-density lipoprotein (LDL) and high-density lipoprotein (HDL); inflammation and oxidative stress indicators: C-reactive protein (CRP), high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP), erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), malondialdehyde (MDA), total antioxidant capacity (TAC), nitric oxide (NO), glutathione (GSH).Numerical results are presented as mean ± standard deviation (Mean ± SD). R 4.3.2 software was used for meta-analysis, sensitivity grading, and publication bias assessment.<strong> Results</strong> this study included a total of 10 RCT studies, with a total of 781 cases. Compared to the control group, vitamin D as a supplementary treatment can significantly improve the wound area, depth, and wound score of DFU patients. The differences in means were [weighted mean difference (WMD) = -2.22cm2, 95% CI -3.21~-1.24 cm2, I2=84%, P&lt;0.01], [weighted mean difference (WMD) = -0.26cm, 95% CI -0.49~-0.03 cm, I2=76%, P=0.02], and [weighted mean difference (WMD) = -1.45cm, 95% CI -2.37~-0.53 cm, I2=98%, P&lt;0.01]; Significantly reduced the glycemic parameters FBS, 2h PG, HbA1c, FINS, HOMA-IR, with [weighted mean difference (WMD) = -0.56mmol/L, 95%CI -0.91~- -0.22mmol/L, I2=78%, P&lt;0.01], [WMD = -0.86mmol/L, 95%CI -0.64~- -0.22mmol/L, I2=0%, P&lt;0.01], [WMD = -0.76%, 95%CI -1.09~- -0.43%, I2=89%, P&lt;0.01], [WMD = -3.31μU/ml, 95%CI -4.35~- -2.26μU/ml, I2=0%, P&lt;0.01], and [WMD = -1.46, 95%CI -2.63~- -0.29%, I2=95%, P=0.01]; Reduced lipid metabolism-related indicators TC, TG levels, respectively were [mean difference (WMD) = -0.32mmol/L, 95%CI -0.46~- -0.17mmol/L, I2=46%, P&lt;0.01], [mean difference (WMD)=-0.36mmol/L, 95%CI -0.55~- -0.16mmol/L, I2=68%, P&lt;0.01]; Decrease the levels of inflammation-related indicators, CRP [Standard mean difference (SMD) = -0.82, 95% CI -1.14~-0.49, I2=0%, P&lt;0.01], hs-CRP [Standard mean difference (SMD) = -0.83, 95% CI -1.06~-0.59, I2=0%, P&lt;0.01], and ESR [Standard mean difference (SMD) = -0.62, 95% CI -0.86~-0.39, I2=0%, P&lt;0.01]; Reduce MDA levels [mean difference (WMD) = -0.45 μmol/L, 95% CI -0.64 to -0.26 μmol/L, I2=0%, P&lt;0.01]; Increase NO levels [mean difference (WMD) = 1.78 μmol/L, 95% CI 0.01 to 3.55 μmol/L, I2=0%, P=0.05]; No significant differences were found between the two groups in indicators such as LDL-C, HDL-C, GSH, and TAC. <strong>Conclusion</strong> Vitamin D preparations have the potential to assist in the treatment of DFU, effectively promoting wound healing in DFU patients, improving patients' glucose and lipid metabolism levels, suppressing inflammation in DFU patients, and reducing oxidative stress.</p> Bolun Jiao, Mingchen Zhang, Bing Wang, Yunhao Zhang Copyright (c) 2024 Revista multidisciplinar de las Ciencias del Deporte Sat, 29 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 THE INFLUENCE OF ALTITUDE TRAINING ON HEMATOLOGICAL PARAMETERS AND ENDURANCE PERFORMANCE <p>The research aims to determine the influence between altitude training studies also explain the haematological parameters and endurance performance. The research was based on secondary data analysis, and different websites related to hematological parameters were used to collect the data. When proper exercises are performed at high altitudes for many days, the body of the athlete becomes habitual in such a way that it can bear more pressure from exercise and also be able to cope with the after-effects of exercise, such as fatigue. The research study depends upon quantitative analysis to determine the research using E-view software and perform results including descriptive, unit root test, histogram, and state analysis, which also explain the graphical analysis between them. The other important implication of high-altitude training is that it helps in the mental growth of athletes, thus helping them to cope with mental health issues such as stress, anxiety, depression, fear of failure, Fear of height, and others as well. The overall research found that the direct and significant influence of altitude training on haematological parameters and endurance performance. All of these facts prove that high altitude training is necessary for enhancing athletes' performance and endurance level during sports.</p> Lucia Freitas Copyright (c) 2024 Wed, 10 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0000 THE APPLICATION OF THE BAHRAIN TEAM IN THE RECOVERY PROCESS OF PATIENTS WITH SPORTS INJURIES <p>Balint group is a smaller group of clinicians who constantly meet to discuss cases emerging from their daily practice and focus on the psychological aspects of their work and build on doctor-patient relationships. Our study seeks to examine the application of the Balint group in the recovery process of patients with sports injuries. We used a mixed methods approach involving semi-structured interviews, focus group discussions and a survey. There were medical practitioners from the Chinese Athletic Association who volunteered to undertake the study. The findings showed that participants acknowledged the emotional challenges faced by athletes recovering from injuries (motivation, anxiety, sense of loss). The current methods to address these challenges are perceived to be limited due to time constraints, lack of training, and limited resources. Also, participants expressed interest in The Balint Group as a potential solution because it could offer peer support and learning from colleagues' experiences, improved communication skills to discuss emotional challenges with athletes and a more holistic approach to recovery by addressing both physical and emotional aspects. Our study contributes to the effective management of athletes by medical professionals involved in sports injuries while improving the quality of care and their professional development.</p> Huanli Hu, Xueyang Zhen Copyright (c) 2024 Revista multidisciplinar de las Ciencias del Deporte Sat, 29 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 EVALUATING THE COMPREHENSIVE IMPACT OF NURSING BEHAVIOR CHANGE THEORIES BASED ON EXERCISE INTERVENTIONS ON LIFESTYLE AND QUALITY OF LIFE IN PATIENTS POST-CORONARY INTERVENTION <p>Coronary artery disease (CAD) poses a significant health risk to the global population and behavioural change theory intervention on lifestyle and physical activities are needed to improve patient's quality of life. Our main objective is to examine the application of behaviour change intervention program on the on the lifestyle and quality of life of patients after coronary intervention. The randomised controlled trial was carried at Fuawi Hospital consisting of 156 participants divided into control and intervention groups. The primary outcomes showed significant changes and increase in levels of physical activity between intervention and controls with the intervention group showing higher frequency, duration and intensity in both moderate physical activity and walking. Secondary outcomes showed significant reductions in the blood pressure, BMI, and improved healthcare-related quality of life. Alsos, significant lifestyle changes were observed with cessation of smoking, increased intake of healthy diets, stress and sleep management. Thus, the behavioural intervention change program was significant in improving the outcomes of CAD patients through increased levels of physical activity, increased quality of life and lifestyle changes.</p> Min zhou Copyright (c) 2024 Revista multidisciplinar de las Ciencias del Deporte Sat, 29 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 GENDER-SPECIFIC RESPONSES TO STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING PROGRAMS IN YOUNG ATHLETES <p>Research aims to determine the strength and conditioning programs related to gender-specific responses. The research study was conducted between young athletes. According to gender language, gender-specific language refers to either only males or only females. Gender-specific perspectives identify and give feedback on the variety of specific conditions and susceptibilities of ladies and girls. These perspectives play a significant role in converting inequality between men and women towards equality. Anything that is gender specific is arranged for those belonging to a specific gender. And some particular things are suitable for people of a specific gender. The research used SPSS software to measure and describe results, including strength and conditioning programs and gender-specific responses. However, certain limitations can be seen to avoid gender-specific approaches. All the approaches inclined towards gender- specific clothes are going in such a way that they could be faster and smoother. Certain nouns are considered gender specific and can be utilized to represent animals or people of a specific gender, such as man, woman, boy, or girl. Overall, the result found a significant impact of gender-specific responses on strength and conditioning programs in young athletes. By applying gender- specific terms, it is crucial to know the gender to which individuals belong and then use some suitable term to elaborate them.</p> Felipe Torres Copyright (c) 2024 Wed, 17 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0000 ENHANCING ATHLETIC PERFORMANCE AND RECOVERY: INTEGRATING MARINE-DERIVED NUTRITIONAL SUPPLEMENTS AND ADVANCED VASCULAR ACCESS TECHNOLOGIES <p>This study evaluates the efficacy of Dynamic Needle Guidance (DNG) and Dynamic Needle Tip Positioning (DNTP) in the context of sports-related medical interventions, focusing on their potential to improve the administration of nutritional supplements and medications that support athlete recovery and performance. Thirty-one novice residents performed vascular access procedures using both technologies on a phantom model in a randomized sequence. Our primary endpoint was operation time, with secondary endpoints including puncture time, the number of needle tip adjustments tracked by ultrasound, and success rates of initial punctures and attempts, as well as operation difficulty scores. The findings indicated that DNG significantly reduced the operation time (mean(SD) 24.2 (6.4) s vs. 49.4 (15.8) s; p=0.000) and puncture time (9.6 (2.3) s vs. 31.1 (9.8) s; p=0.000), with fewer median (IQR[range]) needle tip adjustments (1 (1-1) [1-1] vs. 3 (3-4) [2-6]; p=0.000). These results suggest a higher efficiency and potentially less discomfort for athletes undergoing treatment. No significant differences were noted in the first puncture or first-attempt success rates between the two methods. Participants reported a significantly lower mean(SD) operation difficulty with DNG compared to DNTP (3.3 (1.0) vs. 6.7 (1.2); p=0.000). The use of DNG could significantly enhance the precision and speed of treatments involving vascular access in athletes, suggesting its potential as a beneficial tool in sports medicine to accelerate recovery and return to performance.</p> Fuquan Luo, Lingzhu Zeng, Zhaokai Shi, Zhaoxiong Zhu, Qibin Li, Taobo Yang, Yi Liu Copyright (c) 2024 Revista multidisciplinar de las Ciencias del Deporte Sat, 29 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 MPACT OF IMPAIRED GLUCOSE REGULATION AND SERUM HOMOCYSTEINE LEVELS ON NEUROPHYSIOLOGICAL PERFORMANCE IN ATHLETES <p><strong>Objective</strong>: This study aimed to explore the clinical and neurophysiological features of athletes with impaired glucose regulation (IGR) and their correlation with serum homocysteine (Hcy) levels, considering their potential impacts on sports performance. <strong>Methods</strong>: A cohort of twenty athletes diagnosed with IGR between February 2020 and February 2021 comprised the observation group, while twenty healthy athletes served as controls. We gathered demographic data such as age, gender, and educational level, and assessed clinical neurophysiological indices (amplitude, distal latency, motor nerve conduction velocity) alongside serum Hcy levels. Both groups were evaluated for differences in cutaneous sympathetic nerve response, as well as somatosensory evoked potentials in upper and lower limbs. <strong>Results</strong>: No significant differences in age, gender, or educational attainment were observed between the two groups (P &gt; 0.05). However, significant disparities were noted: the observation group exhibited lower amplitude and motor nerve conduction velocity, increased distal latency, and higher serum Hcy levels compared to the control group (P &lt; 0.05). Furthermore, athletes with more severe glucose impairment showed increased abnormal rates of cutaneous sympathetic nerve response and somatosensory evoked potentials in both upper and lower limbs, alongside worsened nerve electrophysiological indices. Notably, serum Hcy levels were positively correlated with the abnormal rates of neurophysiological responses and negatively correlated with the amplitude and motor nerve conduction velocity (P &lt; 0.05). <strong>Conclusion</strong>: The clinical neurophysiological indices reflect the severity of impaired glucose regulation in athletes and can highlight potential impacts on sports performance. By integrating clinical neurophysiological characteristics with serum Hcy levels, early detection and intervention for athletes suffering from IGR can be facilitated, potentially mitigating negative effects on athletic performance. This study underscores the importance of monitoring metabolic health in athletes to maintain and enhance their physical capabilities and recovery processes.</p> Lingju Zhang, Zhijun Lv, Pei Tang, Yisheng Liu Copyright (c) 2024 Revista multidisciplinar de las Ciencias del Deporte Sat, 29 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 EFFICACY OF TAILORED EXERCISE REGIMENS IN PATIENTS WITH CHRONIC RESPIRATORY DISEASES <p>The first way is the increased level of red blood cells in the body. The research study aims to determine the efficacy of tailored exercise regimens in patients. When red blood cells increase in the body, the haemoglobin level automatically improves, and this improved level of haemoglobin will help better transport oxygen in the body because haemoglobin is a transporter protein in the body. The hematocrit level also improves because of tailored exercises that measure the body's proportion of red blood cells. The other most important implication of tailored exercises is improving mental health. As we know, every third person in the world has been suffering from mental health issues such as stress, anxiety, depression, and others. The tailored exercises help maintain normal mental health with the help of various exercises Such as yoga. Mental health is also related to many hormones; when hormones are balanced, mental health ultimately improves. These exercises bring people near nature, so nature also helps normalize a person's mental health. Overall, the research found that If we can control the body's cholesterol level, we will also be able to control cardiovascular functions. It has been seen that consistent sessions of tailored exercises will help increase the endurance of cardiac muscles, which will help prevent heart attacks and strokes. The continuous sessions of tailored exercises will also help normalize the thickening of blood vessels, thus helping maintain normal cardiovascular function in the body.</p> Ana Beatriz Ribeiro Copyright (c) 2024 Fri, 05 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0000 OPTIMIZING ANTICOAGULATION WITH ARGATROBAN FOR ATHLETES SUFFERING FROM DEEP VEIN THROMBOSIS, WITH AND WITHOUT CONCURRENT LMWH THERAPY <p><strong>Objectives</strong>: The primary strategy against Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) in athletes is systemic anticoagulation, which aims to mitigate risks such as Pulmonary Embolism (PE), thrombus propagation, and recurrent venous thrombosis. Argatroban, a synthetic thrombin inhibitor that functions independently of antithrombin, is evaluated here for its effectiveness and safety in treating athletes with lower extremity DVT. <strong>Methods</strong>: A cohort of 189 athletes diagnosed with DVT based on clinical assessments and duplex ultrasonography results were enrolled and randomly assigned into three groups. Group A (n=63) received Low-Molecular-Weight Heparin (LMWH) via subcutaneous injection, Group B (n=63) was treated with Argatroban, and Group C (n=63) received a combination of LMWH and Argatroban.<strong> Results</strong>: Statistical analysis revealed significant differences within and around the thigh and calf regions by the 14th day between Group A and C, and Group B and C, with p-values less than 0.05. Further, comparisons from day 0 to day 14 showed significant differences in thrombus regression across all groups, with p-values less than 0.01 or 0.001. The chi-squared test indicated that Group C had a more favorable outcome in thrombus regression compared to Groups A and B. Notably, Argatroban treatment was associated with a lower risk of bleeding and higher efficiency in DVT management among athletes. <strong>Conclusions</strong>: Anticoagulation with Argatroban, alone or in combination with LMWH, offers a viable and potentially safer therapeutic option for athletes suffering from DVT. Its use could facilitate quicker recovery and return to training or competition, emphasizing its role in sports medicine where rapid and effective treatment is crucial.</p> Tian-hua Zhang, Bo Chen, Decai Chi, Zhongjie Ji Copyright (c) 2024 Revista multidisciplinar de las Ciencias del Deporte Sat, 29 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 EXPLORING THE EFFICACY OF ENRICHED ENVIRONMENTAL TRAINING IN MITIGATING DEPRESSION SYMPTOMS AND PROTECTING HIPPOCAMPAL NEURONS IN CHRONIC UNPREDICTABLE MILD STRESS MODELS: INTEGRATING PHYSICAL FITNESS AND MENTAL HEALTH STRATEGIES <p>Background: Hippocampal neuron damage and impaired regeneration are critical in depression's pathogenesis. An Enriched Environment (EE) has been shown to ameliorate depressive-like behaviors in animals, suggesting its potential as a daily rehabilitation analog for reducing depression incidence in chronic stress conditions through hippocampal neuron protection. This study aims to investigate the effects and underlying mechanisms of EE training on depression induced by chronic unpredictable mild stress (CUMS) in mice. Method: Forty mice were randomized into four groups: Control, CUMS, Fluoxetine + CUMS, and EE + CUMS. Depression was induced using single-cage isolation and CUMS for 42 days, with intraperitoneal drug administration during this period. EE training commenced on Day 22, continuing through the modeling phase. Depression behavior was assessed using weight monitoring, the Sucrose Preference Test (SPT), Open Field Test (OFT), and Forced Swimming Test (FST). Hematoxylin-Eosin (HE) staining evaluated hippocampal histopathology. Levels of interleukin 1β (IL-1β), interleukin 6 (IL- 6), phosphorylatedphosphatidylinositol kinase (p-PI3K), phosphorylated protein kinase B (p-Akt), and phosphorylated mammalian target of rapamycin protein (p-mTOR) were analyzed. Results: By Day 21, chronic stress elicited depressive behaviors, with more pronounced effects by Day 42 in the CUMS group, validating the model's stability and success. Interventions post-Day 22, Resembling early clinical depression detection, demonstrated that three weeks of fluoxetine and EE training effectively reduced depressive behaviors. Both interventions notably mitigated hippocampal histopathological damage, decreased inflammatory factors, and significantly increased expression of mTOR pathway-related proteins. Conclusion: EE training effectively mitigates depressive behavior in chronically stressed mice, primarily through anti-inflammatory actions and modulation of the PI3K/Akt/mTOR signaling pathway. These findings underscore the therapeutic potential of integrating physical fitness and mental health strategies into depression management, emphasizing the importance of environmental and lifestyle factors in neuropsychiatric disorder intervention</p> Yiqing Zhang, Yangyang Zhang, Xiaojun Zhu, Qian Ye, Zhaodan Gan, Guangxu Xu Copyright (c) 2022 Revista multidisciplinar de las Ciencias del Deporte Thu, 15 Feb 2024 00:00:00 +0000 PSYCHOLOGICAL RESILIENCE IN ELITE ATHLETES: COPING MECHANISMS AND MENTAL HEALTH OUTCOMES <p>The research aims to determine psychological resilience in elite athletes. For elite athletes, the coping mechanisms are sport-oriented, using different managing and coping styles to address the issue. Efforts like task management and problem addressing are made so that the elite sportsmen become more and more familiar with the stressful environment and its coping mechanism. The research based on primary data analysis to determine the study used SPSS software and generated results, including descriptive, ANOVA, linear regression, and chi-square between the coping mechanisms and mental health outcomes. Resilient elite athletes show healthy lifestyles no matter how stressful the environment they face and can seek support from their social linkages while addressing problem-solving tactics. The athletes with low coping self-efficacy have clearly shown signs of reduced confidence and uncertainty in finding a solution to the problem they have been given. Toconclude, resilient elite athletes have positive mechanisms for coping with negative situations while maintaining their mental wellbeing. The overall result directly linked coping mechanisms and mental health outcomes.</p> Carla Mendez Copyright (c) 2024 Wed, 10 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0000