Considering Clinical Syndrome Differentiation of Allergic Rhinitis in Athletes: A Sports Medicine Approach


  • Li Guojing, Ai Bichen Department of TCM, Capital Medical University Affiliated Beijing Shijitan Hospital, Beijing 100038


allergic rhinitis; syndrome differentiation; Xiao Qinglong Decoction; Guizhi Decoction; Mahuang Fuzi Xixin Decoction


Objective: To explore the effectiveness of classical Chinese medicine prescriptions based on the syndrome differentiation of zang-fu organs and six channels in treating allergic rhinitis (AR) among athletes, aiming to enhance clinical outcomes by integrating traditional methods with sports medicine practices.

Methods: This study delves into the application of Qinglong Decoction, Guizhi Decoction, and Ephedrine Aconite and Asarum Decoction for AR, based on the syndrome differentiation approach described in the "Treatise on Febrile Diseases." The analysis begins with the differentiation of zang-fu organs and extends into the six channels, proposing a tailored approach for the acute and remission phases of AR in athletes.

Results: For acute AR, the six meridians syndrome differentiation method using the mentioned decoctions has been observed to rapidly alleviate symptoms and discomfort in athletes, enhancing their recovery and performance. During the remission phase, treatments focused on tonifying the lung, strengthening the spleen, and bolstering the kidney are recommended to solidify the gains of the acute treatment phase and address the underlying disease mechanisms, promoting long-term well-being and peak athletic performance.

Conclusion: Integrating traditional Chinese medicine's syndrome differentiation approach into the clinical treatment of AR in athletes can significantly improve outcomes. This method not only quickly addresses acute symptoms but also strengthens the athlete's overall resilience by treating the root causes during remission. Further research and clinical trials are encouraged to validate these findings and refine treatment protocols specifically for the athletic population, optimizing their training and competitive readiness.

