Role of Elastic Inhibition of Return in Sports: Implications for Visual Attention and Performance


  • YiyuanQiao Department of Psychology,Soochow University,(No. 199 Ren'ai Road, Industrial Park, Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province,215100, China)
  • Shiqi Xu Department of Psychology,Soochow University,(No. 199 Ren'ai Road, Industrial Park, Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province,215100, China)


timecourse;IOR;elastic;Sports Performance; Cognitive Psychology; Computational Modeling; Athletic Training


Elastic Inhibition of Return (IOR) is a classic cognitive phenomenon renowned for its potential to optimize the efficiency of visual search. The intriguing aspect of IOR lies in its time course, which has captivated psychologists for years. This research embarks on a comparative analysis, shifting the spotlight from the traditional laboratory setting to the dynamic realm of sports, to explore how IOR impacts athletes' reaction times during competitive performances.

This investigation delves into the uncharted territory of IOR in sports, uncovering boundary conditions and elucidating theoretical insights that underpin the cognitive mechanisms at play. Through a systematic examination of various sporting contexts, including basketball, tennis, and soccer, this study aims to discern how the principles of IOR adapt to the demands of rapid, real-world decision-making in the athletic arena.

In addition, this research explores innovative methodologies and computational modeling techniques to quantify and interpret the impact of IOR on athletes' reaction times. By bridging the gap between cognitive psychology and sports performance, this study not only contributes to a deeper understanding of how IOR functions within the realm of sports but also paves the way for the creation of novel ideas and computational models that could revolutionize athletic training and performance enhancement in the future.

Through this comparative analysis, we aspire to shed new light on the role of Elastic Inhibition of Return in shaping athletes' reactions, offering valuable insights for coaches, athletes, and researchers seeking to optimize cognitive skills and unlock peak performance in sports.




