Active Commuting in Adolescents: Importance of Perceived Barriers and Accompaniment / Active Commuting in Adolescents : Importance of Perceived Barriers and Accompaniment


  • Vaquero-Solís, M.; Tapia-Serrano, M.A. Facultad de Formación del Profesorado. Universidad de Extremadura, Cáceres (Spain)
  • Prieto Prieto, J. Departamento de Didáctica de la Expresión Musical, Plástica y Corporal. Facultad de Educación. Universidad de Salamanca, Salamanca (Spain)
  • Cerro-Herrero, D.; Sánchez-Miguel, P.A. Facultad de Formación del Profesorado. Universidad de Extremadura, Cáceres (Spain)


active commuting, perceived barriers, environment, accompaniment, adolescents


The present study aims to know the predictive value of age, accompaniment, and physical and psychosocial barriers in active commuting. A total of 1,325 students from Primary Education and Secondary Education centers of the Autonomous Community of Extremadura (Spain) participated, with ages between 10-17 years (M =12.1; SD = 1.60). The students filled in information on the mode, distance, time and accompaniment through the PACO questionnaire, and the perceived barriers to active displacement using the BATACE scale. The results showed a significant incidence of accompaniment, distance, and perceived psychosocial barriers for active travel to school (R2 = .53; p = 0.00). It concludes on the importance of distance to the educational center, psychosocial barriers, and accompaniment as the most important elements in the realization of active displacement.


