Validation of Risk Perception Instrument in Physical Education Teachers


  • Lucena-Zurita, M. Doctor en Educación Física. Profesor titular, Centro Universitario Sagrada Familia (adscrito a la Universidad de Jaén) (Spain)
  • Latorre-Román, P.A. Doctor en Ciencias de la Actividad Física y el Deporte. Profesor titular, Universidad de Jaén (Spain)
  • Párraga-Montilla, J.A. Doctor en Educación Física. Profesor titular Universidad de Jaén (Spain)
  • Manjón-Pozas, D. Profesor colaborador, Centro Universitario Sagrada Familia (adscrito a la Universidad de Jaén) (Spain)


Perception, prevention, risk, safety, physical education.


This research aims to design and validate an instrument that allows to know the capacity of perception and prevention of the risk during the educational practice in the classes of Physical Education. It is a questionnaire of observation on dicotomic actions, including three subscales -preactive, interactive and postactive behaviors to the didactic action, related to active and passive security in Physical Education classes. In a first phase, the questionnaire has been examined by a total of 15 experts of different educational levels and by ten more in the second one. The questionnaire meets Lawshe validity and scientific reliability formula, and Kendall concordance test and it was validated finally by 41 items.


