Nutritional Strategies (NS); Athletic Recovery (AR); Performance (PP)Abstract
Dietitians of Canada, the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, and the American College of Sports Medicine all agree that wise dietary decisions enhance athletic performance and recovery. In order to ascertain if Smart PLS software was employed, the research study relied on primary data analysis. Descriptive statistics, the correlation coefficient, and the smart PLS Algorithm model that connected them were among the outputs it produced. In order to promote optimal health and performance in a variety of training and competitive sports environments, these organizations provide advice for the proper quality, quantity, and timing of food, drink, and supplement intake. The target audiences for this position paper are the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM), Dietitians of Canada (DC), the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, and other professional associations, governmental organizations, corporations, and the general public. The results of the entire study indicated a clear and substantial relationship between dietary practices and how well athletes recovered and performed. It provides an overview of recent advancements in sports nutrition as well as the opinions of the Academy, DC, and ACSM on matters pertaining to nutrition that have been demonstrated to impact athletic performance. For assistance with creating a personalized nutrition plan, athletes ought to contact a certified dietitian or nutritionist.