Feedback Delay of Aerobics Intelligent Learning System Based on Model Predictive Control and Artificial Intelligence


  • Xiaoxu You Department of College Physical Eucation, Communication University of Zhejiang, 310018, China


Model predictive control, artificial intelligence, aerobics, intelligent learning, feedback delay


In order to improve the operation effect of aerobics intelligent learning system, this paper applies fuzzy predictive control and artificial intelligence technology to system optimization to analyze the unified modeling, stability analysis and controller design of the network control system under the influence of time delay and packet loss. Moreover, this paper establishes the relationship between delay characteristics (time-varying and containing upper bounds) and packet loss characteristics (random and maximum allowable packet loss rate) and the performance of the network control system to construct an aerobics intelligent learning system. In addition, this paper analyzes the functional structure of the system and proposes an aerobics intelligent learning system based on fuzzy control prediction and artificial intelligence. Finally, this paper designs experiments to verify the system proposed in this paper. Through experimental research, it can be known that the system proposed in this paper has certain practical effects.


